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Social Mobility Pledge

Closing the opportunities gap

In order to support the growing gap of employment opportunities for disadvantaged people, GRS has joined over 500 other UK organisations in committing to the Social Mobility Pledge.

Social mobility refers to people moving "up" or "down" social hierarchy. In the context of the Pledge, we are committed to taking steps to boost opportunities of employment for those perhaps from lower social standing, enabling upwards social mobility.

Whilst GRS already have good practices in place, we will continue to expand our efforts in a number of ways, for example:

  • Working with schools or colleges providing work experience and careers advice to people from disadvantaged backgrounds or circumstances.
  • Working to provide structured apprenticeship opportunities to people from disadvantaged backgrounds or circumstances.
  • Working to adopt open employee recruitment practices which promote a level playing field for people from disadvantaged backgrounds or circumstances.

For further details visit www.socialmobilitypledge.org.